Dearlove Nested Class Course - Aug 29 & Sep 12 2005

26 Aug 2005Steve Schwarz

This course works Beginners on slightly more advanced courses than other lessons. One sequence works primarily landing side Rear Crosses Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross, a Pin Wheel and a static Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross. Another sequence works a Front Cross out of a tunnel, a 180, Pin Wheel and landing side Rear Cross. Intermediate teams work fast approaches to Pin Wheels on both sides of the handler and a tight jump wrap. The Advanced groups get a break from my complex handling sequences with a running and jumping work out that can benefit from some Layering.

The approach/exit to the PinWheel for the Intermediate/Advanced sequences is adapted (yet again) from a John Senger course I ran a couple weekends ago.

Course Setup

Beginner Class

Beginner Course Sequence 1Beginner Course Sequence 2

Choose one or both sequences depending on the teams’ abilities. These are a little more advanced than some beginning teams might be used to.

For the left sequence if this is the student’s first time using a Front Cross work it on the flat without the dog. Then add the dog with the dog stationary (as you would do at the table). Then add the dog coming out of the tunnel - make sure the student’s timing is such that they start their rotation as they see the dog’s head in the exit of the tunnel. This will help the dog get used to the handler’s Front Cross body language.

Make sure the handler steps in on the 180 to help the dog, this may be the first time they’ve seen the 180.

My usual PinWheel handling suggestion: handlers shouldn’t turn through the jumps faster than the dog is moving or the dog will cut behind the handler. Handlers may need to step into each 90 degree turn to help the dogs; for the handler this sequence should be handled more like two 90 degree turns than running in a circle. The Rear Cross on the landing side of jump 6 should be straightforward at this point.

The right hand sequence is a Rear Cross workout. It may be difficult for some teams to get the Rear Cross/Post Turn combination at jumps 2-3-4. If necessary break this down and spread the jumps out to ensure success. I put the static Front Cross at the table to get handlers to think about what side of the dog they are on. It should also help them get the dog to turn towards the tunnel and it also give another Rear Cross opportunity.

Intermediate Class

Intermediate Course Sequence

The usual drill: have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

  • Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivotto get the dog into the tunnel while starting out down course towards jump 2.
  • The handler should decelerate approaching jump 2 to cue a short stride.
  • Post Turn or Front Cross to handle jump 2?
  • Post Turn or Rear Cross jump 3 to jump 4? What side of the dog to be on?
  • I'm thinking Post Turn jump 4 to jump 5 and Rear Cross jump 5 to jump 6 (see Beginner sequences)
  • Which way to wrap the dog at jump 9? Does it affect how you'll handle the 10-11-12 Pin Wheel?

Advanced Class

Advanced Course Sequence

As usual, have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

  • Any advantage to Lateral Lead Out to between jump 2 and 3? Could you do it if you had to?
  • How about putting your dog in the tunnel and layering jump 7/10 on the way to the landing side of jump 3?
  • Which side of jump 11/15 do you want to be on going from jump 5 to jump 6?
  • Same question going from jump 6 to jump 7 - is it better to be on the landing or take of side of jump 7?
  • Guess what question now? Which side of jump 10 and jump 11?
  • I'm thinking Post Turn from the table to jump 14 then Rear Crossing the landing of jump 15 with a send to the tunnel to close. Any other options?

This course could be a real handler running work out; but by choosing sides of the jumps you might be able to stay in the middle of the course instead and use some layering.

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