Silas Boogk Inspired Sequences With Video

14 Nov 2012Steve Schwarz

Meeker and I are back from two half days of training with German handler Silas Boogk at Ann Braue's facility in Eau Claire, WI. This was my second year attending Silas' handling class. We worked on three different challenging "International" sequences. Unlike last year where they were 30+ obstacles each, these were only 20+ and we worked each team only 10 minutes at a time. Still it was a real workout, even young and fit handlers were gasping for breath and gathering their resources to run it again: "leaving sooner and running faster for the cross". Everyone learned a little German: schnell!

Silas asked us not to share his courses or video online. So I put together sequences demonstrating some of his handling ideas and lumped them into a small space setup:

Three "International" Sequences

Obstacle Legend

Start each of the three sequences around the “X” in the bottom left.

Silas, like many trainers, will generally choose the direction the dog should turn over a jump (when there is an option) so the dog is naturally going toward the next obstacle - even if the path is slightly longer. Then he decides on the handling to obtain that path.

Here are some notes on each sequence with my interpretation of how Silas would run them - see the video for more details.

Black Circles

The point of this sequence is to practice pushing the dog to the back side of the jump and then using the same arm to draw the dog back to the take off side of the next jump and rotate in to a Ketschker to send the dog over 3. 1-2-3 can be done all on the handler’s right arm. Then switch to a left arm to 4.

Depending on the handler’s speed they might be able to rotate forward after 2 to move to the take off of 3 (dog on handler’s right) for a step or two before rotating back to 3. Some handlers will just move backward for those steps.

White Circles

The whole point of this sequence was to set the handler up to Blind Cross over 6 to put the dog on the handler’s right (and show motion to bypass the tunnels) and then rotate into a Ketschker at 7 so the dog wraps tight on 7 and avoids the off course jump on the way to 8 on the handler’s left.

  • Dog on handler's right 1-3
  • Pick up dog on handler's left out of tunnel
  • Ketschker 4 turning dog to their right
  • Send dog over 5 on a left arm
  • Shoulder Pull Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn to 6 and as the dog is committing
  • Blind Cross to put dog on right arm when the dog lands after 6
  • Keeping dog on right arm rotate in to dog and Ketschker 7
  • Talk to dog and drive forward to 8 with dog on handler's left.

Black Squares

This is a nice exercise to work on keeping the dog’s focus and having the handler get moving once the dog is committed to a jump.

  • Dog on handler's left at X
  • Drive the dog to the take off side of 1 on the handler's left arm
  • Rotate in to the dog to change it's motion toward the jump
  • Ketschker to turn the dog to their left over the jump
  • As soon as the dog commits the handler drives forward to the right side of jump 2
  • Repeat the previous steps in the opposite direction at jump 2
  • Dog on left 3-4

Hopefully the video will make these explanations clearer!

Since the jumps are set up symmetrically you can flip these sequences to work them on the opposite sides:

Mirror Image Sequences

I always what to hear and see how you do on these sequences!

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