NOCI AKC Trial - Meeker Gets His AX - With Video

13 May 2010Steve Schwarz

This past weekend Meeker and I competed at the Northwest Obedience Club Inc AKC AKC agility in Crystal Lake, IL. At our last AKC trial Meeker finished all of this Open titles so this was our first time in Exc-A. It was a three day trial and we got into all three days; so we had the chance to earn both his AX and AXJ titles (but only if we could run all six courses clean).

The judges were Dan Selthofer and Lisa Miller-Selthofer. I’ve run Lisa’s courses in the past and really liked them. This was my first time with Dan as a judge. They are both well liked as judges around here. Dan’s Sat Exc Std course was one of the toughest I’ve seen in AKC. I think it ended up being built so it was harder than it was planned on paper. But his JWW courses were just fine.

I’ve annotated the video below so you can see how we did (and watch me do some “freelance handling”). Big thanks to Liz for videotaping me all weekend; congratulations again on your MACH! I was surprised with how Meeker was running; Dana pointed out he was slipping and I think that was why he wasn’t digging in and was a little tentative in his running. It is also likely why he dropped the 1st bar on Saturday’s JWW course.

I’m proud that Meeker earned his AX this weekend and it was nice to earn some ribbons in the process. We’ll try to get his AXJ at our next trial.

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