Today is "Why Volunteer?" Blog Action Day!

28 Jun 2011Steve Schwarz

I was motivated by the vigorous discussion on the Clean Run Email list about volunteering at agility trials to spread the discussion among the wider dog agility community. I had heard of the annual Blog Action Day on world topics and thought I should organize an Action Day for dog agility bloggers. So I contacted all the Dog Agility bloggers I know and asked them to join me today in voicing their opinions on the subject of volunteering. I got a wonderful response!

As I hear from the bloggers who participated I’ll add them to this list:

I hope you’ll visit these blogs and comment on their ideas! The idea of the Action Day is to explore new ideas and get readers involved!

If you are a blogger and I failed to contact you (I was missing or got email bounces for over 25 blogs) please blog on this subject and email me when you post to your blog! steve at agilitynerd dot com.

There is a camaraderie among agility bloggers and this is the first time we’ve worked on a group project. So a big Thank You! from me to everyone who joined in! Who knows maybe we’ll come up with another subject of interest to us all in the future. Let me know what you think!

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