FCI 2008 Championships Online!

26 Sep 2008Steve Schwarz

The FCI Championships in Finland are being taped by Eric Larson from AgilityVision and he is posting the videos on this website. Clean Run is hosting and sponsoring the website. The videos are very high resolution and look really great. Eric is doing the same fantastic job this year as he did last year in Norway. All he asks is if you like the coverage you click the link and buy him a beer or two. I’m buying him a round right now!

You might also be interested in the official results page in English.

I just watched the large dog standard runs and loved that Marcus Topps, and some of the European handlers went for the tight turn to the dog’s left on the way to the weaves. It looked like the shortest distance, fastest and riskiest handling (due to the off course) but they got it done.

The 270 Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence after the A Frame was also interesting. Ann Braue got into position beautifully. The second Dutch handler handled it as a Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross very smoothly also. For many of the runs though you could see how the dogs had to slow when handlers put in a (late) Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross.

So take a look at some of the best handlers in the world running top level courses and don’t forget to thank Eric for his hard work!

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