Dearlove Nested Class Course - May 23 & June 6 2005

22 May 2005Steve Schwarz

This class course presents Rear Crosses Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross on the flat (aka Tandem Turns) to Beginners, is a real Pin Wheel work out for Intermediate teams, and and continues work on Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence and Pin Wheels for Advanced students.

I got some emails asking for more wide open exercises for use by NADAC competitors. I hope the intermediate and especially the advanced sequences will fit the bill for those handlers (there is potential for some distance work on the Pin Wheels also). We setup four half rings at Dearlove Agility so I don’t have much more room for exercises than shown; but for those wanting to work at a larger distance can spread the jumps out a little more.

Course Setup

Course Setup

Beginner Class

Beginner's Course Sequence

Have students start the course with the dog on their left. Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn from jump 1 to 2 (HELP THE DOG!). Rear Cross on the landing side of jump 3. Pick up the dog on the handler’s left coming out of the tunnel. Post Turn between jumps 6 and 7. Rear Cross on the landing side of jump 8.


  • Lead outs.
  • Rear Crossing into hallway door openings or over jumps if students have them.

Intermediate Class

Intermediate Course Sequence

This opening is almost identical to last week’s exercise.

  • Contrast Post Turn between jumps 1-2 followed by Rear Cross to jump 3 with Front Cross over jump 2. Discuss value of lateral distance.
  • How can the handler avoid the tunnel off course? Watch shoulder, hip, feet direction! Calling dog's name? Watch for driving towards the off course tunnel! Treat like performing a Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross (i.e. put dog onto a right lead with your inside arm)?
  • I'm thinking Post Turn Pin Wheel handling 6-7-8
  • Consider Front Cross over jump 10 (i.e on landing side of jump 10) to get the handler into the pocket for the next Pin Wheel
  • Again Post Turn handling for Pin Wheel jumps 11-12-13-14-15. Although a moving towards the landing of 15 once the dog is committed to 14 (or if you have a good send to 14) can work too.

Advanced Class Sequence 1

Advanced Course Sequence 1

Similar to last week, this is a “no rest” jumping sequence to work on handling Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence and Pin Wheels. The opening and it’s issues are the same as for the Intermediate class.

  • Contrast Post Turn between jumps 1-2 followed by Rear Cross to jump 3 with Front Cross over jump 2. Discuss value of lateral distance.
  • How can the handler avoid the tunnel off course? Watch shoulder, hip, feet direction! Calling dog's name? Watch for driving towards the off course tunnel! Treat like performing a Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross (i.e. put dog onto a right lead with your inside arm)?
  • If you handle the Serpentine down the middle (with the dog on the handler's right) make sure the dog commits to jump 6! Getting well ahead to "pull" on the dog's line should help.
  • Dog should already be on a right lead after jump 7 but don't drive too far towards jump 8 or you'll push the dog long and wide. The further you can stay "up" course the better for the next sequence.
  • I'd lean towards Front Cross over jump 10 to get into the pocket for 10-11-12. Although a Rear Cross should work too. Distance handlers could try to work 10-11-12-13 with out passing further than jump 13. Either way, I think you want to be between 13 and 14 until the dog commits to 14.

Advanced Class Sequence 2

Advanced Course Sequence 2
  • Lateral Lead Out or Front Cross 1-2.
  • Layer jump 6 on the way to jump 3?
  • Can you handle 5-6-7-8 sequence all from the area around jump 6? (don't get into the pocket).
  • Once the dog clears jump 7 if you are ahead of your dog you can "pull" on their line to easily "scoop" the dog and push them over jump 8.
  • Don't accelerate/push to jump 12; want a tight wrap.
  • Does a Front Cross on the landing of jump 13 tighten the line to 14?

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