Gabi Steppan Inspired Backyard Course - Video

12 Aug 2013Steve Schwarz

Marq Cheek shared a link to a great course by Austrian judge Gabi Steppan on Facebook; it is challenging and flowing and I bet it was fast to run! So I had to come up with a variation to fit in my backyard.

Here is her original course:

Gabi Steppan Course

I especially wanted to work the Back Sides Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video at jump 2/19 and coming through the box in front of the A Frame. The sequence with the dog walk was cool too but I just didn’t have the desire to move that much equipment in the heat and humidity. So I took a big part of her course and decided I wanted to throw in a Ketschker on a triple jump. So here is my backyard version of her course:

My Version of Gabi Steppan's Course

I shot video with 2 yro Flyer and Nancy’s pup Petey who is 6 yro. Petey is such an outgoing (and naughty) dog and especially outgoing for a BC; but doesn’t get much press here on AgilityNerd since he only does agility with me sometimes for fun at home. With his tilted pelvis I don’t want to jump him too much so he and I don’t get a lot of practice (and it shows!). But he is nothing if not willing and even in the heat and humidity he would have kept going a lot longer than I could! In some ways he did a better job than Flyer. That was definitely the first time he has ever done a Ketschker on a triple jump. Young Flyer did pretty well in spite of my slightly late handling!

Here’s the video with both dogs, slow motion commentary and bloopers at the end:

I hope you set up this course and try it. I am following Gabi on FB and can’t wait to see what other courses she posts there!

I added three more sequences for this course setup here:.

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