Voelker - Masters Snooker - Meeker Bronze ADCH

28 Jun 2013Steve Schwarz

Meeker and I needed one Snooker Q to earn his Bronze ADCH and we did it running Carol Voelker's course at the Fly Right Over USDAA outdoor trial this past weekend. Carol's course was interesting in a couple ways: it had only 3 reds and it required "Snookering" as part of the closing sequence. Here's the course diagram:

Masters Snooker

Masters Snooker Course Diagram
Obstacle Legend

I planned to start bottom left and go to the top weave entrance (knowing that if Meeker missed the tough acute angle entrance I could fix the entrance and still get points) and then go left to the 2nd red and back to the weaves. From the weaves take him around the tunnel to the top red and into the tunnel for 6 points. Then in to the close.

I handled it OK, a little sloppy coming out of the weaves the first time, but “got ‘er done”. Here’s the video:

So we ended up with a 50 point run, 2nd place (it was a small trial), and a Super Q to earn Meeker’s Bronze ADCH:

Meeker Bronze ADCH

I love how Meeker’s tongue hangs over the bar! I’m sporting some good hat hair too!

Thanks to Carol for letting me share this course! Thanks too to Dana for video taping and the photo!

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