Advanced Class: This and That - 15-Dec-2010

17 Dec 2010Steve Schwarz

Here’s a course with little of everything from this week’s classes at For Your Canine.

Sequence 1

Sequence 1

Here are some quick handling notes:

  • For 3-4-5 should be able to do either:
    • Front Cross on the approach to 3 and Rear Cross before 4. Then use a Post Turn/Shoulder Pull or Lateral Motion to pull your dog over 6 and 7.
    • Your dog on your left and use deceleration to get the turn over 4; then the same as above.
  • Coming over 10 to 11 you don't want to cue extention, so just give enough support to 10 but don't drive your dog over it.
  • Just like 10, going from 12 to 13 don't push your dog out over off course 7.
  • Using a SingleSidedThreadle for 17-18 and rotate out of it to get to 19

Sequence 2

Sequence 1

Flipped the tunnel around so now it is more of an off course hazard coming from 3-4. The middle of this course features “ripping your dog back and forth” with jump wraps…

This was a fun one for me and my students didn't hate it too much :^) I hope it is fun for you too.

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