Advanced Class: Pin Wheel, Wraps, Serpentine and a Threadle - 11-Nov-2010

15 Nov 2010Steve Schwarz

Here are a couple fun, fast, and challenging sequences for working on Pin Wheels, Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence, Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap and a Threadles Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle HandlingThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesTraditional Threadle HandlingSingle Sided Threadle HandlingThreadle Sequence from this week’s classes at For Your Canine.

Sequence 1

Sequence 1

Some handling notes:

  • 1-2 dog on handler's right. Either Shoulder Pull around the Pin Wheel and drive to the opening of the tunnel (dog on handler's right the whole way). Or Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross over jump 3 and drive to the tunnel with the dog on the handler's left. The latter keeps the handler moving. Your choice also depends on the placement of jump 4 relative to the tunnel opening.
  • 5-6-7 Run.
  • 7-8-9-10 is a Threadle to a Serpentine. There are multiple solutions:
      Stay on the A Frame side of jumps 7-8
    • Handle as a Single Sided Threadle where you rotate after the dog has come through the gapd to and have him on your left arm as you move forward.
    • Depending on the handler's ability to get ahead, can then either Rear Cross on the landing or take off side of jump 9
      Handling on the side opposite the A Frame:
    • Front Cross 7-8 closer to 7 so you can push the dog to the back side of the jump.
    • Ideally you want to handle 8-9-10 as a Single Sided Serpentine, but almost any combination of crosses can work.
  • Handlers should be able to run this section from either side.
  • 12-13 a Rear Cross on the flat shouldn't be necessary if you connect with your dog and show motion to the tunnel opening. Some handlers had to front cross after 12 to keep their dogs out of the off course tunnel entrance.
  • The rest is straight forward - cue the jump wrap 16-17 so you get a nice tight turn. Drive through the last jump!

Sequence 2

Sequence 2

I asked everyone if they wanted to run the same sequence a third time or run a new sequence and got a 50/50 split. So I modified it just a little and it was fun! By switching 8 and 9 it moves the Threadle. The main thing is you need to Front Cross closer to 8 to avoid pushing your dog to the back side of 8. You may need to tweak the tire so it is a safe entrance after the double jump.

I hope you try these and you enjoy them as much as we did.

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