Advanced Class: Serpentines and Threadles - 24-Nov-2010

05 Dec 2010Steve Schwarz

Here’s a course for working on Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence, Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap and a Threadles Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle HandlingThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesTraditional Threadle HandlingSingle Sided Threadle HandlingThreadle Sequence from this week’s classes at For Your Canine. A lot of opportunities for trying different ways of handling Serpentines. The sharp reader will notice some similarities to Dana Pike’s course from the same week; the equipment is often in the similar locations from the previous night…

Sequence 1

Sequence 1

Here are some quick handling notes:

  • Run and cross between 2 and 3 or Lead Out to between 2 and 3. Then Shoulder Pull around to 3 and 4.
  • 5-6-7-8 there are a few options: dog on left with a "throw" 5 & 6 and a scoop over 7 (i.e. handle it like a single sided serpentine), followed by a Rear Cross before 8. I preferred a throw to 5 with a Front Cross over jump 6 so I could handle 7-8 with Meeker on my right
  • The big question is which side of the A Frame? It depends on what you are going to do to get your dog around jump 10. I preferred the push so I Front Crossed over 8 and ran dog on left to 10. Otherwise it is a shoulder pull and some kind of cross at the bottom of the A Frame.
  • 11-12-13 - handle as a single sided serpentine or get between 11 and 12 for a Front Cross. Rear Crossing 12 is a good skill to have also.
  • For 14 you really want to be ahead on the landing side of 14 to pick up your dog on your right. You could be on the take off side of 14 but then getting to 15 is more awkward.
  • The fast handler can front cross the approach to 17, otherwise rear cross on the approach.

This was a fun one for my students and I hope it is for you too.

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