Five Sequences

17 Jan 2010Steve Schwarz

Bud Houston posted a Gamblers course and started a contest to design other sequences based on that course layout. Every week before class I face the same challenge of making a sequence from the equipment and their locations (although I'll frequently move the jumps). So I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Sorry no video of Meeker and me running these so you’ll have to settle for my handling comments.

Warm Up Sequence

Sometimes I like to warm up with a fast and fun run through and that is what this first sequence is about. It is also a sequence that can be used for a novice class working on sequencing if it were broken down and worked in sections.

Some handling thoughts:

  • Tunnel 6 to jump 7 can be handled with a cross on either the take off or landing side of the jump. I'd prefer it on the take off side.
  • Get some distance from the end of the dog walk to make the Wrap Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap at jump 9 clear before the dog takes off for the jump.
  • I would Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross over jump 11 so I could handle the A Frame with my dog on my right - simplifying being in position for when I need my dog on my left for 13-14-15.
  • Cross on the flat between 15 and 16

Intermediate - Pin Wheels and 270s

This sequence works the Pin Wheel and 270 Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequences. The 270s at the end may need to be broken out as a separate exercise for some groups of students. Reducing the diameter of the Pin Wheel will also simplify the handling of the 270s.

Intermediate course pin wheel and 270s

Some handling thoughts:

  • Cross or Lead Out between 2-3
  • Dog on left 3-6
  • Two options to Work on at weaves: Front Cross before weaves (so dog ends up on handler's left when entering weaves), Front Cross at exit of weaves and Rear Cross at take off to jump 8.
  • I like dog on right after jump 8 to assist with the handling from 9 to 11. So that means to me that I'd want to Front Cross over jump 8 to my dog is on my right approaching the A Frame. It'll make the turn to 10 easy too. A Rear Cross on the approach will also work.
  • Can you get ahead going 11 to 12? handle the 270 from 12-13 with your dog on your right?
  • Rear Crossing from the tunnel to jump 15 might set longer striding dogs up for that 270 better than the Shoulder Pull.

Intermediate/Advanced Handling

This sequence works Jump Wraps, a 270, and provides several handling options.

Intermediate/Advanced Handling

Some handling thoughts:

  • Several ways to handle the 270 from jump 3 to 4
  • Dog on the handlers left on the way to jump 5 should allow a Rear Cross on the take off to set the turn to the tunnel nicely. Otherwise, a shoulder pull should work.
  • Turning the dog to the their left over jump 8 should give a better/safer approach to the A Frame
  • Cross on the take off of jump 11 to get a tight turn to the dog walk
  • Fade from the dog walk to get in position for a tight jump wrap over jump 13.
  • Front cross the end of the weaves to get ahead and take the dog on the handler's right all the way to tunnel 17.

Advanced Handling

Advanced Handling

Some handling thoughts:

  • Run a line away from and parallel to the dog's path to support the dog's line into the tunnel while allowing the handler to get around the A Frame.
  • Rear Cross the tunnel exit to turn the dog to the weaves. Fast enough for a Blind/Front Cross?
  • Then dog on right all the way to jump 9; push out to the back side of jump 7
  • Which side of the A Frame to get to 12? I think the weave side should work best.
  • Turning the dog right over jump 12 gives a straight line to 13-14.
  • Wrapping the dog over jump 15 and then move into the pocket to take the dog around Pin Wheel jumps 16-17-18.
  • Just a Front cross jump wrap over jump 18 to take the dog on the handler's left through to the end.

Bonus Advanced Handling

To me the interesting part of this course is the triple 270s through the center of the Pin Wheel. That should be fun to play with. I’ll leave it to you gentle reader to come up with handling options for this one.

Advanced Handling

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