Exercises from USDAA SE Regionals Grand Prix - Video

10 Jun 2011Steve Schwarz

The USDAA Southeastern Regionals were streamed live on CynosportTV (free!) last weekend. I was interested in a couple of the courses and saw a number of handlers have problems that I wanted to work on. So I took some of the challenges from the Grand Prix Round 2 course by Mark Wirant and put them into a smaller training course:

Some of the challenges you can work on (white circle numbers) include:

I’ve shown jump 4 in two locations, by changing the location you can make the Rear Cross weave approach more challenging.

The black circles give you another set of challenges on the opening. The weaves “to nowhere” was another challenge from the IHC Standard class course on Saturday. You need to choose when to change sides on the weaves. This is a sequence where having really independent weaves and where the handler can stay at the start of the weaves you really have an advantage on the opening of this course.

Here is video of me and Meeker giving them a try on a brutally hot and humid morning:

Give it a whirl!

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