AKC News/Judges's Newsletter Email and RSS Updates

21 Oct 2009Steve Schwarz

The AKC judges’s newsletter contains clarifications of the official AKC rules and is sent automatically to AKC judges. The AKC agility news page also provides rule clarifications. Together these pages are important additions to the official AKC agility rules. These pages update infrequently and it is easy to miss when new articles are posted. So I wanted to make it easier to be aware of new articles on either page.


So I was going to write some software to extract the links from the page so I could create an RSS feed so anyone who was interested could be informed of new items. Turns out there are free services that provide just what I needed: Feed43 made extracing the news story titles and links trivial and Feedburner made providing the RSS and email subscriptions easy.


Judges NewsletterAgility News and Updates

If you are a USDAA competitor you might also be interested in a similar service for the USDAA News and Events page.

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