Open/Masters Course - They Didn't Kill Me...

29 Oct 2014Steve Schwarz

I love my students; they are always up for a challenge and they didn’t try to kill me after running this course. This course isn’t that difficult per se: it’s difficulty can be adjusted by slightly changing some jump locations. Here’s the course (run the black circles for more challenges):

Class Course

Masters/Advanced Course diagramObstacle Legend

My moving the jumps shown surrounded by green/red jumps you can make the weave entry and line following the weaves more difficult. Move jumps toward the red to make it harder and toward the green for easier.

Panorama of Course Setup for Open Students

Panorama course setup

Here are some handling thoughts:

This one was fun and challenging to run and I hope you try it out. I’d love to see your videos! Please remember Meeker and help other dogs with cancer if you use this course in your classes:

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