Mr. Peabody - OK For More Exercise

24 Mar 2005Steve Schwarz

I’ve been remiss in updating AgilityNerd readers on Mr. Peabody’s condition since his episode of temporary blindness.

Over this past month his eye pressure has remained low and he has been on Prednisolone drops (in addition to the Prednisolone injected directly into his eye). The Prednisolone is to combat the inflammation that must have caused his temporary blindness. The injected Prednisolone should only have lasted two weeks due to its slow release. Each week he’s been into the eye doctor’s for checks and the inflammation has continued to recede. The doctor’s still don’t know what caused it but as long as it continues to go away that is great.

So after today’s appointment he was taken off his

Cosopt eye drops and given the OK for some more vigorous exercise. So I'm going to take him along to Milo's agility class at For Your Canine. I'll just take him over a few jumps, have him weave, and maybe do the A-Frame a few times between classes. Besides he'll get to go along and get spoiled and petted by everyone. He's been very mischevious since his activity has been restricted - long walks aren't interesting enough for him. So this will be fun for him.

His butt fur is growing back nicely from his tumor surgery back in January. His rear leg muscles are continuing to get stronger too. He’s had to walk backward on his hind legs (with us supporting his front feet) to get his biscuits. At first he could only do it slowly a few times. Now he is almost running backwards and can easily do a bunch of reps.

So we’ll see how he does at class tonight. It will be nice for him to be out and about again.

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