Dana Pike - Another Class Course w/Video
01 Jan 2011
Dana Pike has really been on a roll designing interesting courses and she had yet another course I really liked. This sequence had Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence, a Threadle Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle HandlingSingle Sided Threadle HandlingThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesTraditional Threadle HandlingThreadle Sequence, a Back Side Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video and multiple off course challenges. Instead of handling diagrams, you get to see video of Meeker and me run a couple handling options and see what lessons I learned.In the diagram below there are two ending options, Dana had me run the second closing in the second run in the video.
My “take away lesson” from running this course isn’t specific to this course, but it is: “Stay Focused”. I was talking during the walk through before the second run and didn’t concentrate on my (changed) handling coming out of the weaves. So when I ran it I took Meeker off course. I am disappointed in myself for not getting the sequence correct with the different handling. So much of the handler’s job in agility is mental and at a trial you only have one chance to get it right. So it looks like I need to work harder at bringing the mental focus I need at a trial to my training sessions too. Train like you want to trial…
I hope you run this course and let me know how it went for you. Meeker and I had a blast! Thanks Dana!
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